Thursday, July 8, 2010

Foley Square - early FALL?

It was kind of a windy day today as I walked through Foley Square on my way to Chinatown. The leaves covered the grass and blew across the sidewalks. If it wasn't the fact that it was July 8th and 87° out, I would have sworn it was October.

I'm not sure if it is common for these trees to have this many leaves fall this early in the season, but I have to wonder if this is a result of Global Warming? or if the trees are just thirsty.

These pictures are taken from the Thomas Payne Park area of Foley Square. There are dozens of trees here, lawns and plenty of park benches. The park is surrounded mostly by government and federal buildings and court houses. It is a favorite lunch oasis to the many who work in the area.

There is a memorial plaque placed at the entrance of the park placed there in June of 2009. At the bottom of the plaque there is a quote by Thomas Payne: "My country is the world, and my religion is to do good." Thomas Paine, Rights of Man Part Two (1792). Nice.

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