Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Gay Pride Weekend

I've never liked most any adline that starts or ends in "for the children" until I read this comment in last weeks JMG annual post "Watching the Defectives", enjoy:

Every year I take my teenage son and his boyfriend to SF Pride. It's 4 hours each way and we have to rent a car. Once we get there I have to stay at least two blocks away from them (they check in by cell phone every hour).

I don't know how to put it in words but the 8 hours in a car with two teenagers controlling the music is worth it for the difference I see in them when we get out of the car. It's like they're coming home. It gives them something I can't, no matter how supportive I am.

My son needs that day when they can hold hands and feel 'normal'. He needs one day a year to feel like he's part of the majority. Give him one day he doesn't have to hide and blend in. Please.

Even if the flamboyance makes you cringe, get out there and support my son. Do it for the children.

Happy Gay Pride to one, Happy Gay Pride to all! For a listing of all this weekends New York City Pride happenings go here=> Gay Pride

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